Thursday, 2 December 2010

Journal Your Christmas Day 2

Don't go looking for day 1, it didn't quite get written down!

JYC has begun again for another year. Last year's album is finished... apart from all the writing. Oh well, it's a new year, new start. I really want to remember Isaac's first Christmas but I'm conscious of my lack of time. So a photo a day & a blogpost while I feed every evening seems doable. Of course, yesterday didn't get blogged but that's another story!

Day 1: Manifesto

Remember the details.
Be gentle.
Lay a pretty table.
Light a candle or three.
Recapture the magic & excitement.
Be grateful & gracious.
Have confidence.
Remember the reason.

Day 2: Winter weather

We have snow, like much of the country. Took Isaac out to look at some today, he wasn't keen. Brushed it off my hand!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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