turned into this;
At two years old, Isaac:
- walks, runs and climbs with confidence:
- is starting to jump:
- can manipulate small items, such as a Lego figure's helmet or coins into a cd player:
- loves to press the buttons (on everything!)
- helps to dress himself and put on shoes:
- has his own little language but is starting to speak ours:
- follows commands obediently, even when he doesn't want to:
- has started to throw temper tantrums:
- shares food willingly but covets toys obsessively:
- loves trains, cars and dogs:
- still prefers his daddy:
- sleeps in a toddler bed, straight through almost every night:
- drinks juice and milk and water from valved 'active sippers' but can drink from a glass:
- uses a spoon confidently and a fork with help.
- can peel the tops of yoghurts:
- likes to drink hot chocolate (and help to make it):
- won't eat green vegetables, carrots or onions:
- names a zillion body parts:
- loves to sit in the driver's seat and play with the buttons & levers:
- counts (in a fashion) to 3:
- likes tomatoes, corn on the cob, rice, sausages, cheese and biscuits. And chicken nuggets:
- knows some colours (green, blue, red and black):
- recognises our car:
- stands in the deep end of the teaching pool and can swim with armbands:
- loves to play in ride-along toys:
- remembers every little thing (helpful when he's hidden something important):
- kisses and cuddles his 'nannie' (Anna):
- recognises his grandparents' homes:
- has friends and looks forward to seeing them:
- has toddler OCD, loves routine and putting things away:
- laughs from his belly:
- plays with his willy (even with a nappy on, heck even with a vest on!)
- goes to bed about 7.45pm:
- tries not to laugh when we're being funny, after he's been told off:
- doesn't hold a grudge:
- lights up and runs to the front door when his daddy's car comes on to the drive:
- is fascinated by buckles and loves to do them up:
- is experimenting with imaginative play using soft toys.
It's a great adventure, getting more interesting every day. I can't wait to see the little boy my baby is becoming.
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